Support Your Clients at Every Step


Help Dog Owners Understand and Control Their Dog’s OA Pain

Osteoarthritis (OA) pain may be hard for dog owners to recognize. Use the resources on this page to educate your clients about OA and how it affects dogs, introduce them to Librela, and prepare them for follow-up appointments.

Did You Know


Nearly 40% of dogs show signs of OA pain,1 but less than half are actually diagnosed2


Dogs with OA pain that are treated with NSAIDs receive ~60.5 days of therapy annually3


Starting the Conversation

These resources can help educate your clients about the signs and symptoms of canine OA pain before their appointment, or they can help guide conversations with dog owners in your clinic.

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Pet Owner Brochure

Help dog owners understand the signs of OA pain and treatment options available.

oa-checklist oa-checklist oa-checklist


OA Checklist Poster

Print and hang up this poster about the signs of OA pain for dog owners to use right in your clinic.

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Pre-Visit Email Attachment

Communicate with dog owners about OA pain before they come in for an appointment. Attach the provided PDF to an email or follow the customizable email instructions.

Social Media

Pre-Visit Social Post

Give dog owners an idea of what canine OA pain may look like. Post this image to your social channels or follow the customizable post instructions.


Why Librela?

Use these resources to guide conversations with dog owners about controlling canine OA pain with Librela and what to expect on their dog’s treatment journey.

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Pet Owner Brochure

Help dog owners understand the signs of OA pain and treatment options available.

OA Checklist OA Checklist OA Checklist

In-Practice or Email

OA Checklist

Print out for use in your clinic or email your clients a 1-pager about the signs and symptoms of OA pain.

treatment-with-librela-email treatment-with-librela-email treatment-with-librela-email


Treatment with Librela Email Attachment

Send dog owners information about Librela and how it can control canine OA pain. Attach the provided PDF to an email or follow the customizable email instructions.

treatment-social treatment-social treatment-social

Social Media

Treatment with Librela Social Post

Show dog owners how Librela can help give their dogs with OA pain more days of play. Post this image to your social channels or follow the customizable post instructions.

talking-points talking-points talking-points


Librela Talking Points

Use this 1-pager to answer questions about Librela, help dog owners understand how Librela controls canine OA pain, and what to expect during treatment.


Follow-up & Future Appointments

These resources can help you check in with your clients about their dog’s progress with Librela and make sure they’re making the most out of future appointments.

follow-up-email follow-up-email follow-up-email


Follow-up Email

Send this email to your clients as a first check-in after initiating treatment with Librela and how they can prepare for follow-up appointments. Attach the provided PDF to an email or follow the customizable email instructions.

thank-you-email thank-you-email thank-you-email


Thank You Email

After 2-3 weeks, send your clients this email as an additional check-in to assess progress. Attach the provided PDF to an email or follow the customizable email instructions.

Social Media

Follow-up Social Post

Remind dog owners to track their dog’s treatment progress and prepare for follow-up appointments. Post this image to your social channels or follow the customizable post instructions.

back-to-play back-to-play back-to-play


Back-to-Play Guide

This back-to-play treatment sheet can help your clients learn about the phased approach to returning their dog to play during their treatment journey with Librela.


Get a Canine OA Pain Checklist for your clients


View tips about examining dogs for OA


Find out more about the New Science of OA Pain


  1. Wright A, Amodie DM, Cernicciaro N, et al. Identification of canine osteoarthritis using an owner-reported questionnaire and treatment monitoring using functional mobility tests. J Small Anim Pract. 2022;63(8):609-618. doi:10.1111/jsap.13500
  2. Librela Quant PMR: Pricing Sensitivity. Data on file. Zoetis Inc; May 2023.
  3. ZMR Kynetec PetTrak Data July 2022. Data on file. Zoetis Inc.

All trademarks are the property of Zoetis Services LLC or a related company or a licensor unless otherwise noted.

© 2024 Zoetis Services LLC. All rights reserved. LIB-00011R4


See full Prescribing Information. For use in dogs only. Women who are pregnant, trying to conceive or breastfeeding should take extreme care to avoid self-injection. Hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylaxis, could potentially occur with self-injection. LIBRELA should not be used in breeding, pregnant or lactating dogs. LIBRELA should not be administered to dogs with known hypersensitivity to bedinvetmab. The most common adverse events reported in a clinical study were urinary tract infections, bacterial skin infections and dermatitis.


See full Prescribing Information. For use in dogs only. Women who are pregnant, trying to conceive or breastfeeding should take extreme care to avoid self-injection. Hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylaxis, could potentially occur with self-injection. LIBRELA should not be used in breeding, pregnant or lactating dogs. LIBRELA should not be administered to dogs with known hypersensitivity to bedinvetmab. The most common adverse events reported in a clinical study were urinary tract infections, bacterial skin infections and dermatitis.